Archivo delle Categorie: Porn

But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight, “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”

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Groucho Marx – Avedon’s portraits

Groucho Marx – Avedon’s portraits

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Realcore Rome 19 – 20 february at 9pm

Realcore Rome 19 – 20 february at 9pm

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Nude (Madonna), 1979  Tags:

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Fleggaard lavatrici danesi…


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C’è più vita in un manichino, che nella gente comune.

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Mitico un grande!

“If I sleep for three hours, I still have enough energy to make love for another three,” e “I hope that when you hit 70, you’re in as good shape as I am.” Tags:

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La seconda morte degli yuppie – JAY McINERNEY

La parabola degli anni Ottanta si rispecchia nel crollo di oggi Ho sentito per la prima volta la parola «yuppie » nell’83, quando vivevo nell’East Village. Allora dividevo un appartamento con il mio miglior amico, scrivevo il primo romanzo e mi guadagnavo da vivere come lettore di dattiloscritti a Random House. Mi stavo godendo una […]

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Moratoria sulla gnocca

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  • about me

    April Fools ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE is scrawled in blood red lettering on the side of the Chemical Bank near the corner of Eleventh and First and is in print large enough to be seen from the backseat of the cab as it lurches forward in the traffic leaving Wall Street and just as Timothy Price notices the words a bus pulls up, the advertisement for Les Miserables on its side blocking his view, but Price who is with Pierce & Pierce and twenty-six doesn't' seem to care because he tells the driver he will give him five dollars to turn up the radio, "Be My Baby" on WYNN, and the driver, black, not American, does so.